Our Story


About Aydan

After moving with my family to London, England at the age of 13, I fell in love with travel - and capturing each adventure with my camera. Whether I am sharing my personal travels - or working for a brand - social media, branding, and content creation are at the forefront of my mind.

We are traveling often..


…whenever and wherever we can. We have traveled together since the day we met; dating long distance for 2 years and going back and forth to see each other. Eventually, we moved to California, spending a year in San Francisco, followed by 2 years in Los Angeles. We spent our time on the west coast exploring every mountain top, restaurant, ocean view, and campsite we could.

After moving back to the east coast in 2019 for a year, we were antsy to move again. So, in December 2020, a few months after getting married, we purchased a 2013 Airstream Flying Cloud and hit the road.

We are now Traveling Often, somewhere in America.